MI Social Work Supervision Directory

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Are you a recent graduate or limited licensed social workers looking for supervision towards your full license? We have you covered with our Michigan Social Work Supervision Directory. This directory is intended as a resource, not as a recommendation of services. All supervisors listed in this directory have completed NASW-MI’s “Certificate in Core Supervision” training, are actively licensed LMSWs in the State of Michigan, and have at least three years of experience in the field while being fully licensed.

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Marian Tripplett
Ashley Drogs
Kayelynn Abramski
Ann Marie Lungu
Nicole Holbrook
Sarah Rollins
Rochelle Anixt Gold
Michelle Fitzgerald
Robin Kahler
Erin DeSmet
Katrina Milliken, LMSW
Sharae McZahn
Tima Tucker
Laurie Eldred
Amanda Everett
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