MI Social Work Supervision Directory

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Are you a recent graduate or limited licensed social workers looking for supervision towards your full license? We have you covered with our Michigan Social Work Supervision Directory. This directory is intended as a resource, not as a recommendation of services. All supervisors listed in this directory have completed NASW-MI’s “Certificate in Core Supervision” training, are actively licensed LMSWs in the State of Michigan, and have at least three years of experience in the field while being fully licensed.

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Lannie Slabaugh
Nicole Holbrook
Anne Olsen
Judith Krause
Bethany Vinatieri
Carol Dixon
Kayla Hauck
Jennifer Gustafson-Stephenson
Elizabeth Eiten
Alicia Fowler
Andrea Beck-Lundskow
Darcel Lawrence
Taylor Pahl
Susan Benston
Mark McMillan
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