About the NASW-MI Directories Website
Contact Us
NASW-Michigan Chapter
741 N Cedar, Ste 100; Lansing, MI 48906
517-487-1548; pmercer.naswmi@socialworkers.org
Regarding Listing Accuracy
All listing information on this website are provided by the listing owners, not the NASW-Michigan Chapter. If you notice a discrepancy in information, or have further requests for information, please contact the listing owner directly. The NASW-Michigan Chapter is not responsible for placement or services provided.
MI Social Work Supervision Directory
Who needs social work supervision?
In the State of Michigan, supervision is a requirement for all limited licensed social workers both at the Bachelor’s level (LLBSW) and the Master’s level (LLMSW).
How do I apply for my limited license?
Visit the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) webpage to apply for your license and learn more about submission requirements. To review the Michigan licensure process, visit our “Michigan Licensure Process” webpage.
What experiences do supervisors on this directory have?
All supervisors listed in the MI Social Work Supervision Directory have completed (1) NASW-MI’s “Certificate in Core Supervision” training, (2) are actively licensed LMSWs in the State of Michigan, and (3) have at least three years of practice experience.
I have my limited license. When can I start collecting supervised work hours?
You can collect supervised work hours the day your limited license is activated.
Can supervision be done virtually or does it have to be in-person?
Yes. Supervision can be virtual, in-person, or a combination of virtual and in-person. The State of Michigan does not distinguish between virtual and in-person supervision concerning supervision for limited licensed social workers.
How many work hours do limited licensees have to complete?
4,000 hours of relevant work experience within your scope of practice. This can be paid or volunteer work. You can count work between 16 to 40 hours per week and can earn a maximum of 2,080 hours of experience per year.
Who can as a supervisor for limited licensees in Michigan?
For your work experience hours to count towards the licensure requirement, you must be under the supervision of a social worker that currently holds an active LMSW license with the State of Michigan. If you are an LLMSW, your supervisor must have the same license designation (i.e. clinical, macro) that you are working towards. Your supervisor does not have to be from your workplace nor does your workplace need to have a fully-licensed social worker on their staff.
How often do supervisees need to meet with their supervisor?
Supervisory review must be conducted for at least 4 hours per month. Of those 4 hours: at least 2 hours must be on an individual, 1-on-1 basis with your supervisor while at most 2 hours may be conducted in group settings.
I have my LMSW already. What do I need to complete to add a second designation to my license?
Licensees looking to add a second designation to their LMSW must complete 2,000 supervised work hours, pass the additional ASWB exam, and complete an online application through the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
Do I need to complete any paperwork with my supervisor?
The NASW-Michigan Chapter highly recommends setting up a contractual agreement with your supervisor when services begin. We also highly recommend supervisors and/or supervisees complete weekly records of their supervision. Templates for a supervision contract and a weekly supervision record can be found below:
Lastly, all supervisors are required to complete the “Supervision Verification Form” and submit it to LARA following termination of any supervision services with a supervisee. A different version of the form is used for LLBSW and LLMSW supervisees. You can find these forms on this Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) webpage under the “Licensing Applications and Forms” section.
Other Links/Resources
- NASW-MI: What You Need to Know About Licensure in Michigan
- State of Michigan: Public Health Code (Social Work)
- State of Michigan: Social Work General Rules
- NASW Supervision Standards
- NASW Practice Standards & Guidelines
- Michigan Licensure Supervision FAQs
- Topics to Review with Supervisees
- Development of Clinical Supervision Practice Competencies (American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work)
- Supervisor Beware: Reducing Your Exposure to Vicarious Liability (NASW)
- Professional Liability Insurance – NASW Assurance Services
Gender Affirming Care Directory
What experiences do therapists on this directory have?
All therapists listed in this directory have completed NASW-MI’s “Affirming Care Provision Across the Gender Spectrum: A Training for Mental Health Professionals” training and are actively licensed therapists in the State of Michigan.